Monday, 2 February 2015

The Rockland Report January 30, 2015

 One Lobster Vessel permit was issued this week.
 Submitted user electric bills to the Finance Department for payment.
 Removed snow from area around public floats.
 Met with Audra Bell to go over pending Grants and pending action on the Pier
Resurfacing Project.
 Met with David Cole on pier resurfacing project.

 More of the usual wintertime paperwork. Processing permits as they come in,
talking to mooring owners, talking to mooring inspectors and working with the
summer festivals.
 As far as I know, we weathered the winter Nor'easter without too many problems; there was enough north in the howling winds that it was more of a glancing blow than a full frontal assault.
 Dale O'Neal and Maine Coast Petroleum finally have their newly refurbished oil tanker, the Captain Ray O'Neal certificated by the US Coast Guard, so we should see her operating out of Rockland for many years to come.
 We awarded the new ADA compliant gangway construction project to Prock
Marine. One more step towards having it done by the beginning of the summer.
 Catinka Knoth’s Adult Art Class drew evergreens in snow; due to the storm closing no Children’s class was held.
 I met with several members of the Library Advisory Committee.
 In preparation for the storm, our patrons loaded up on books and movies
throughout the day on Monday.
 Patty King began training new part-time, on-call/substitute library assistant, Mary Ann Giasson, another who will be scheduled when the Library’s regular part-time staff are unavailable. Ellen Hayes reviewed shelving procedures and locations with Mary Ann.
 The weekly Rockland Rhythm Masters Drumming Troupe was cancelled due to a death in the family.
 Patty King and I created a survey to ascertain programming wants and needs of the community.
 Alley Electric began work on the non-functioning emergency lights; special
batteries are required for some of the units, and those have been ordered.
 The musical group Miners Creek Bluegrass Band performed a concert, as the
Thursday Evening Arts & Cultural Event.
 Jessie Blanchard and Keith Drago worked on an upcoming program, the Teen
Booktalk Kickoff Party.
 Patty King presented upcoming Library events on the monthly Love my Library radio show (WRFR).
 The Storage Room, outside of same, and the Staff Break Room all have water
infiltrating via the air intake vents (Winter Garden). The snow was mostly removed from that area, but enough had already been sucked in, and as the rain melts the snow, more is traveling that path.
 Children’s Librarian Jean Young hosted the weekly Baby Storytime, and Saturday Storytime.
 Upcoming: the afore-mentioned kickoff-- To celebrate, we are having a kickoff party for teens on Saturday, February 28th from 1-3. Teens who attend the party will have a chance to record their own book talks, up to two minutes in length. For every two book talks recorded a $5 gift card to is earned. There will also be free pizza, games, and a movie, so come joins us in the community room!
Ages 12-18 invited. And the Second Annual Library Open House, a valentine to the Community—yummy food, fun events, prizes, and more! Mark your calendars for Friday, February 13th, and please plan to attend. (yes, I’ll be reminding you again)

In addition to the general response to fire and EMS calls, conducting apparatus
checks, daily cleaning, routine repairs and maintenance to the fleet and of the
quarters, the following occurred:
 C-Shift repaired the pump primer on Squad 3 saving the engine a trip to the
apparatus mechanics in Vasselboro. The total cost was less than the diesel we’d
have used. We’re fortunate to have many talented people in-house that can
keep costs and downtime to a minimum.
 Early Saturday morning we had close call incident that had numerous similarities to the Noyes Street fatal fire in Portland. A cigarette thrown out a window ignited paper and other readily available fuels on a covered porch at a single family dwelling with four children and a mother inside. The porch had numerous furnishings that would have easily fueled the fire that started up the vinyl siding before smoke entered an open window and reportedly activated the smoke detector inside. This alerted the occupants who called 911 and then put out the fire with water from the kitchen sink. Upon investigation it was found that two of home’s exits were not readily usable, leaving just the one that exited on the same covered porch. Had it not been for the occupants being alerted, at the minimum they would have faced escape via windows as the fire had plenty of fuel and means to enter the home and grow. Here again is a very good example of why working smoke detectors are the minimum first line of defense against fire.
 Saturday’s snow storm created a few challenges with driving conditions in the first few hours. Operating our heavy apparatus on unplowed and sanded roads
proved difficult. This resulted in chains being deployed on two of the engines to
ensure a safer response. Typically these are not deployed for routine storms as
they are very hard on the chassis.
 Also on Saturday, off duty and call personnel volunteered to assemble an ice
fishing shack for Vets on the Water, a program that facilitates outdoor activities for our disabled military veterans.
 Sunday, B-Shift assisted by a few call division members spent the day clearing the city’s 200+ fire hydrants. We were fortunate to have the weather cooperate to get them all done, so that Mother Nature could fill the voids back in on Tuesday.
 Tuesday morning Juno hit hard, with very poor visibility and heavy drifting snow. We were fortunate to have just a few calls and the roads seemed to be relatively free of needless motorists. We had two extra personnel on shift so the plow truck could respond to each EMS call to assist with access to the driveways and shovel the walks to ensure safe extrication from the home to the ambulance. On fire calls these personnel are tasked with finding the nearest hydrant and clearing it for connection, no small feat with four foot snowbanks lining the streets.
 I spent some time at the Knox County EMA Emergency Operations Center on
Tuesday. They were standing by to coordinate resources and had members of the
Red Cross on hand to activate warming shelters if a large power outage took
place anywhere in the county.
 Wednesday’s storm dig out had four crews out shoveling hydrants hoping to get them cleared before the next storm.
 Wednesday evening was the FD’s annual meeting, where the state of the
Department and the goals for the upcoming year were discussed.
 Thursday CEO Root and I met with an architect to review Ocean State Job Lot’s floor plans for leasing some of their vacant space.

 Snow plowing and snow removal at the WWTP and pump stations.
 Packed the old BFP feed pump grinder for return to the manufacturer as part of an exchange/rebuild program they offer.
 Did maintenance on the bar screen and screenings press.
 Set up the new electronic facility maintenance program and scheduled training
for all employees to begin to input data.
 Started the planning process for two major treatment plant C.I.P.’s, the first would be replacement and upgrade of the bar screen, screenings press, and grit
removal system, the second is the rebuild of the secondary clarifiers.
 Reviewed the monthly pre-treatment reports for compliance and addressed noncompliant issues.
 Continued FMC testing.
 Sent two men to assist the public works department with plowing and snow
 Continued planning for collection system C.I.P.’s, possibly to bid some before the end of winter for spring construction.
 Worked on modifications to the emergency shower/eyewash stations at the
WWTP to meet OSHA & ANSI water temperature requirements.

 Blizzard on Tuesday morning into Wednesday. Approximately 15“total snowfall. Plowing roads all day Tuesday into Wednesday morning. Sanding at end of storm and pushing back drifts because of heavy winds. Transfer Station and Sewer Tech. personnel assisted us with storm.
 Hauling snow from parking lots during day on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. Hired three triaxle trucks as well as our own to haul on Wednesday and Thursday and just had Public Works trucks on Friday.
 Snow removal crew worked from 8pm Wednesday night until noon time on
Thursday. Removing snow from downtown roads. Hired six trucks to haul snow
and dispose at Transfer Station. Large loader mounted snow blower broke down
several times and we ended up bucketing snow with two loaders and a backhoe.
 Snow blowing and plowing sidewalks Wednesday through Friday with both
 Sanding/salting roads and preparing for an 8”-12” predicted snowstorm on Friday into Saturday.
 5” snowstorm on Saturday 1/24. Plowing roads all day Saturday into Sunday
morning. Worked on priority sidewalks during storm and into Sunday morning.
Plowing sidewalks again on Monday.
 Receptacle and building trash pickup for half a day this week.
 Hauling snow from parking lots with Public Works trucks on Monday.
 Installed a two-way radio in Landfill loader.
 Continuously working on equipment, trucks and plow/sander related breakdowns throughout week. Included large snow blower, both sidewalk machines, 2007 pickup brakes, three broken wings, 2009 pickup plow pump/valves, 2010 one ton belt tensioner, loader U-Joint.
 Dozer working steady at Landfill pushing disposed of snow for most of the week during hauling operations.
 Meeting with Gartley & Dorsky and City Manager for planning of salt and sand shed installation at Transfer Station. Needs to go to Planning Board in April/May time frame with a summer construction time frame.
 Opening up critical catch basins for drainage with some possible rain predicted for Friday/Saturday storm.
 Started removing high snow banks at intersections to improve vehicle visibility.

 John met with Fire Chief Miceli and the architect for Dollar Tree, to discuss the store leasing 10,000 sq. ft. of the former WalMart building at 265 Camden Street.
 Dave attended the Comprehensive Planning Commission Meeting on 1/29/15.
 There were no complaints filed this week.
 The following permit was received by the Code Office this week:
o 1 Electrical permit

 There was a large amount of snow to deal with around the building and that took most of the day on Wednesday. The roof on the west side of the building drifted full of snow six to seven feet deep. This needed to be removed before the next storm on Friday. I was concerned about the weight. This snow was removed
Thursday and I hope there will be no further problems.
 Playoffs start this weekend and we are dealing with weather and cancellations - going to make for a busy schedule next week.
 I am working on the estimates to add to the railings on the west side of the
building. The last company has been out and we are just waiting for the quote.
 2nd, 3rd & 4th grade basketball wraps up this Sunday. It’s been a good season so far.

 Processed Real Estate Transfers, updating parcel cards, sales book,
property splits.
 Processed Personal Property accounts, updating ownership, owned items,
depreciation, State BETR’S 801 returns, BETE exemptions.
 Processed building permits, reviewing, updating property cards and
 Analyzing qualified sales of all properties and neighborhoods for a fair and
equitable assessment.
 Completing State forms and returning for processing.
 Listening and reviewing properties at the property owner’s request.
 Updating Tax Maps and posting to the web site.

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