Wednesday, 4 February 2015

Camden Public Library Events February 5 through February 19

Thursday, February 5

The Coastal Senior College will offer “The Concerto from the Age of Bach to the Twentieth Century” with instructor Marge Roberts at the Camden Public Library during Winter Session. The class will meet for six Thursdays, 1:00 to 3:00 pm, beginning Thursday, February 5. You must register with the Coastal Senior College.

Saturday, February 7

Opening reception for Artist of the Month Ditte Slade, 2:00 pm at the Camden Public Library. The exhibit is titled “A Life’s Work: Celebrating the Paintings and Sculptures of Ditte Slade.” “Don’t think, just paint!” she says, in creating a collection of over 60 exquisite oil paintings and sculptures. Ditte now lives at Quarry Hill in Camden with her husband Milton.

First Annual Snow Plow Parade, 5:30 pm in downtown Camden, hosted by Camden Winterfest and sponsored by Fisher Engineering. Fireworks over the harbor will cap the evening at 6:15 pm. Free.

Sunday, February 8

“Madness, Mayhem, and Mass. Murder” is the topic of Dr. Richard Kahn’s talk for the Camden-Rockport Historical Society’s “Maine Living Series” series, 2:00 pm at the Camden Public Library. The talk is an illustrated presentation on early psychiatrists, or “alienists,” and the treatment of the mentally ill in the District of Maine from the 1770s to the 1820s. The series is free.

Monday, February 9

Joanna Calderwood will present “Got Stress? Hypnosis Can Help,” 12:00 noon at the Camden Public Library, hosted by Destination Wellness Midcoast Maine. Come hear how hypnosis is a highly effective tool that helps people create change, improve health, overcome fear and anxiety, and apply meaningful ways to manage reactions to stress in a natural way.

Tuesday, February 10

Marylee Dodge will discuss “The History of the House and Gardens of the Spite House,” as part of the Camden Garden Club’s Winter Horticulture series, 10:00 am at the Camden Public Library. Free and open to all.

Regular meeting of the Camden Philosophical Society Reading Group, 4:00 pm at the Camden Public Library, open to all. The discussion will be a continuation of “Herman Melville’s Equal Eye: Idealism and Metaphysics in Moby-Dick” led by David Peloquin.

The Coastal Senior College offers a class on “The History and Duties of the U.S. Secret Service” with instructor Tom McCarthy at the Camden Public Library during Winter Session. The class will meet for four Tuesdays, 1:00 to 3:00 pm, beginning February 10. You must register with the Coastal Senior College.

Tuesday, February 17

Dave Jackson will give an illustrated lecture on “The Long but Interesting Road to National Historic Landmark Status for the Camden Library and its Amphitheatre,” as part of the Camden Garden Club’s Winter Horticulture series, 10:00 am at the Camden Public Library. Free and open to all.

 “Cloud services” to be covered at “Tech Tuesday” session, 3:00 pm at the Camden Public Library with staff librarian and tech wizard Olga Zimmerman, on “The Basics of Personal Cloud Storage and File Sharing.” All are welcome!

“Songwriters Session” at the Camden Public Library, 6:00 pm. Led by John Nicholas and David Dodson. Open to all, $5 donation accepted.

“Frozen Singalong,” 6:00 pm at the Camden Public Library. All ages welcome! This free family winter movie is part of Camden’s Winterfest celebration, re-scheduled to February 17.

Thursday, February 19

“Winter Birds” slide talk with Don Reimer, 7:00 pm at the Camden Public Library, hosted by the Midcoast Audubon Society.

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200 pages with nearly 100 8x10 photos.
ONLY: $40.00 for the package!

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