Thursday, 29 January 2015

Winter Parking Ban Announced in Lewiston - Clarification on Garage Use for Parking‏

Lewiston, Maine - The City of Lewiston has announced a winter parking ban commencing Friday, January 30th, at 10 p.m. and continuing until noon on Saturday, January 31st.  A total of 8 – 12 inches of snow is expected, and Public Works plows will be trying to push back the banks to help widen the streets for safer travel.

Parking alternative info can be found at

Please note that if a person parks in a Lewiston parking garage during a winter parking ban, some of the time utilized may be free; other time will not be.  For instance, if the driver enters the parking garage after 6 p.m. and removes his/her vehicle by 6 a.m. the next morning, the stay will be free.  However, should the vehicle remain there longer, the driver will be charged regular garage use parking fees of $1.00 per hour.  If the car is there several days in a row, the driver will be charged the $1.00 per hour up to the daily max of $6.00 for the day, and the 6 p.m. to 6 a.m. aspect of the driver’s stay will continue to be free.

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